As a property manager or owner, one of the items on your yearly to-do list is usually to pressure wash your building and walkways. Getting the right pros to do this job for you is extremely important, and you have come to the right place! At Kingsman’s Building Maintenance, we offer Hot & Cold Pressure washing.

What is the main difference between hot water and cold water pressure washing?

The main difference in these 2 methods of pressure washing is the final outcome. You not only want to clean the dirt and dust, you want to clean any grime gunk or bacteria that may also be on your building or walkways. While cold pressure washers are ideal for removing dirt, they are completely ineffective in killing mold and bacteria, which can cause a mess and also cause a health hazard. Our hot water pressure washing system kills any existing bacteria and ensures that re-growth is slower.

It is pretty important to note, if the surface you are cleaning is mixed with oil, grease, mold or gunk, a cold pressure washer may not do the trick, and these things can return as fast as they left. You can picture the same in your kitchen sink, if you are washing greasy dishes with cold water, no matter how much soap you use, chances are you are only moving grease around. Sometimes spraying hot water on them will cut right through these materials. The same can be applied to your building and walkways.

A final annoying challenge that can be melted off with hot water, Chewing gum. Hot water peels it right off!

Do we use detergents in our pressure washers?

Sometimes yes!

Detergents that are specifically designed to be used with hot water will clean most surfaces easier and will allow them to be cleaned without the risk of causing much damage. Paired with different nozzles that shoot water out at different strengths, velocities and angled can allow us to leave your building as clean as possible. These tools can also allow us to leave your walkway building clean without any streaks or uneven levels of cleanliness on the surface.

Pressure washing cleans better, and faster, saving you time and getting your building back to normal quickly, so you can get back to making your customers happy Learn more about our different services below: 


  • Construction Clean Up

  • Window Cleaning

  • Building & Office Cleaning Service

  • Gutter Cleaning

  • Sanitizing Services

  • Porter Services

  • Solar Panel Cleaning

  • Green Cleaning


At Kingsman’s Building Services, we use gas powered, hot  and cold water pressure washers to ensure maximum cleanliness. Call 408-605-0616 today for a no obligation quote for pressure washer cleaning services.



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